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Cardano ADA

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Prețul Cardano(ADA) - cursul de schimb la data de 29.01.2024 11:49 este de 0,4307 EUR. În dolari, prețul este de 0,46968 USD.

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1 ADA =

Cum să cumpărați Cardano (ADA)?

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RO-What is Cardano and how does it work?

Cardano is a decentralized proof-of-stake (PoS) platform on the blockchain network. It is proclaimed to be a third-generation blockchain. The “third-generation” means that this is the blockchain network with new solutions like:
  • faster TPS transactions
  • lower transaction fees (compared to Ethereum and Bitcoin)

Cardano has its own cryptocurrency ADA. The ADA can be used as a means of preserving value or for sending and receiving funds.

Cardano developed its own Proof-of-Stake algorithm Ouroboros. With Ouroboros, the transactions are validated via “Pools”. Pools are the servers that actually process transactions, and to do that they are using the wallets of ADA holders. ADA holders have to authorize Pool to sign transactions on their behalf.

Ouroboros rewards users who stake their ADA to validate transactions and help secure consensus.

The advantage of this mode of operation over the proof-of-work system is the mathematical certainty in choosing a blockchain validator, and the speed and lower power consumption.

RO-How many Cardano coins (ADA) are there in circulation?

At the time of writing this text, the number of ADA tokens in circulation is about 32 billion. The total number of ADA tokens that can ever exist in circulation is 45 billion ADA.

RO-What are the benefits of Cardano?

Security - Cardano’s Proof-of-Stake algorithm Ouroboros ensures mathematically proven safety. 

Scalability - according to its developers, Cardano intends to improve scalability by tackling three key elements: TPS (Transactions per second, network, and data scaling.

Interoperability - Cardano plans to connect cryptocurrencies within its ecosystem with the global financial ecosystem. 

Faster transactions - thanks to the Proof-of-Stake mechanism, Cardano could create several blocks of transactions, unlike Bitcoin, which creates only one block at a time.

RO-How to mine Cardano (ADA)?

Since it uses a Proof-of-Stake mechanism, Cardano can’t be mined. That means you don’t need any electronic devices for mining. However you can get Cardano on any crypto exchange or by staking. 

You can keep your ADA coins on Cardano wallet online, and in return you can receive a certain percentage of your already owned ADA coins as payment.

RO-Who is the founder of Cardano?

Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of Ethereum, began the process of developing the Cardano network in 2015, and it was officially launched in 2017.

Three organizations are responsible for the development of Cardano:
  • IOHK
  • Cardano Foundation

An interesting fact is that the IOHK organization cooperates with a team of world scientists whose task is to research and test new features and updates before they start with the actual application.

RO-How to buy Cardano (ADA)??

On the Bitcoin Store platform, you can easily buy Cardano and more than 130 cryptocurrencies at the real-time exchange rate with the lowest fees.

First, you need to create and verify your account on the Bitcoin Store cryptocurrency trading platform to get full access.

After successful verification you can make a deposit (in HRK or EUR) to your Bitcoin Store Wallet.

Supported payment methods for deposit are:
  • internet or mobile banking
  • bank transfer
  • payment slip
  • cash payment in Bitcoin Store physical exchange office

Once we receive your payment, funds to purchase cryptocurrencies will be available on your Bitcoin Store Wallet and you can start purchasing cryptocurrencies.

RO-How to sell Cardano (ADA)?

On the Bitcoin Store platform, you can easily sell more than 130 cryptocurrencies from our offer at the current exchange rate.

You can instantly sell cryptocurrencies that are stored on your Bitcoin Store Wallet.

Cryptocurrency stored on personal wallets such as Exodus, TrustWallet, Ledger, Treasury, etc., or on various trading platforms must be transferred to your Bitcoin Store Wallet before selling.

Once the transfer is successful you can sell your cryptocurrency. You can withdraw the funds directly to your bank account or keep them on your Bitcoin Store Wallet and use them for future cryptocurrency purchases.

RO-Can I buy or sell Cardano for cash?

You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies for cash in Bitcoin Store exchange offices in Zagreb and Split.

Verifying your identity via ID card is not required for all transactions up to HRK 15.000.

In the exchange office, you can also make a deposit in cash directly to your Bitcoin Store account. The amount you deposit will be visible immediately and ready for your next cryptocurrency purchase.

RO-Where can I store Cardano ?

You can store Cardano in your digital wallet. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, digital wallets can be divided into 2 groups - Hot Wallets and Cold Wallets.

Hot wallets include:
  • desktop wallet
  • mobile wallet
  • online wallet

Cold Wallets include:
  • hardware wallet
  • paper wallet

You can also store ADA on your own Bitcoin Store Wallet. The access and storage of cryptocurrency are free for all users who register on the Bitcoin Store Platform.

On Bitcoin Store Wallet you can:
  • store more than 130 cryptocurrencies
  • deposit and store of funds in HRK or EUR

RO-What is the Cardano (ADA) price - exchange rate today?

On 2024-01-29 the current Cardano price/exchange rate is 0,4307 EUR.
Afişează toate întrebările frecvente

Bitcoin Store Wallet

Utilizatorii înregistrați au acces gratuit la Bitcoin Store Wallet (portofel digital), unde puteți stoca în siguranță toate criptomonedele din oferta noastră. Faceţi simplu plata sau retragerea de fonduri sau transferați criptomonede pe alte portofele digitale.

Stocați în siguranță Cardano pe Bitcoin Store Wallet
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Prețul Cardano, investiția și taxele

Prețul în timp real al Cardano la data de 29.01.2024 11:49 este de €0,4307.

Cât de des se schimbă prețul Cardano (ADA)?

Prețurile criptomonedelor sunt actualizate în fiecare secundă în funcție de ratele bursei globale. Lista de cursuri de schimb de pe platforma Bitcoin Store arată cursul mediu de schimb pentru criptomonede. Atunci când cumpărați sau vindeți criptomonede, va fi afișat cursul de cumpărare sau de vânzare (cu taxa inclusă).

Care este taxa pentru cumpărarea sau vânzarea de ADA?

Bitcoin Store nu percepe o comision atunci când cumpărați sau vindeți criptomonede. Criptomonedele se cumpără / vând exclusiv la rata lor de cumpărare sau de vânzare. Cursul de schimb Bitcoin Store poate varia cu 1% până la 5% comparativ cu ratele burselor globale. Cursul de schimb poate fi schimbat în raport cu suma solicitată atunci când plasați comenzi. Depunerea și retragerea fondurilor din Bitcoin Store Wallet este gratuită.

Ce metode de plată acceptați?

Bitcoin store acceptă achiziționarea / vânzarea criptomonedelor: prin plată fără numerar (transfer bancar), plată în numerar, internet banking și mobile banking, Transferwise, Revolut (a se introduce în mod obligatoriu „Numărul de referinţă” în câmpul Reference) *.

Cum să tranzacționați criptomonede?

Aflați toate modurile în care puteți cumpăra sau vinde criptomonede în Croația.

Platforma web

Cumpărați sau vindeți cu ușurință criptomonede prin intermediul platformei Bitcoin Store.

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Tranzacționați criptomonede oriunde și oricând cu aplicația Bitcoin Store Wallet.

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